Christian leaders who engage in active political activities to the neglect of spirituality are lovers of this present world. Such leaders pretend to engage in political business to show forth the glory of God but instead, they become big time political jobbers, using their christian leadership positions for political gains. They become entangled in political […]
Sin often wears the mask of weakness or frailty and the face of a masquerade pretending to be morally neutral whereas it is a deadly disease that fatally destroys all things along its course. Sin brings about lust, anger, impatience, selfish ambition, harshness, gluttony, dishonesty, gossip, and all nature of godlessness and wickedness. The sinner […]
The attributes of genuine conversion are the characteristics and qualities that demonstrate the life of a truly saved Soul like that of Zacchaeus. A lot can be learned from the encounter of Zacchaeus with Jesus Christ. Here was a rich man who was hated by his own people because he was a tax collector for […]
Hypocrisy is defined as a false pretence of being holy and righteous. It is living a double life contrary to the gospel to lead others astray. Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke harshly of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in the Scripture which caused many people in their time to stumble. Today, the church is full […]
It is a common proverb that man will reap whatever he sows. In the scripture, the principle of sowing and reaping is a key spiritual concept that believers need to incorporate into their lives. In the secular world, the general belief is, the more we invest in a business outfit, the greater returns we expect […]
The world is a marketplace and people come to the market to buy or to sell. So, we are all in the market in this world for one purpose or another and when the market time is over, we will all go back home one after the other. Some may leave early and some later, […]
We have been divinely admonished to enter through the strait (narrow) gate and not through the wide gate and broad way which will end up in devastating destruction of the body and soul. Unfortunately many people have delightfully chosen to walk through the condemned broad way not minding the repercussions; (Mat 13:7). They do this […]
As abiding Christians we must not conform to the pattern of this world, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of mind. Then we will be able to know the perfect Will and Purpose of God for our lives; (Rom. 12:2) We must focus our thoughts on the person of Jesus Christ and differ […]
To know God is the first and topmost priority in life, after which His ways could be known. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all other things shall be added unto you: (Matt 6:33). Moses yearned to know God and to know His ways. In turn, God revealed Himself to […]